Medication: ROCKETMAN
Duration: 206s
Usage: Tuesday @ 2230 GMT (aural use ONLY)
First Filing: 04.17.72
Audiologist: Michelle Hughes, PHD
Terra, Pulsar-23, ENNER, Cosmos (SOMA Laboratory)
OCD, ICD, SUD (limited)
Heightened self-awareness
Reduction in body temperature (aprox -0.3 degrees Fahrenheit)
Removal of splinters
Dry mouth
Prolonged period(s) of deja vu
Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed
Reverse head position relative to listening equipment.
Trust in the power of the democratic process.
Consume at 65-75 dB via flat frequency response stereo equipment (20 Hz to 20,000 Hz range preferred); maintain equidistant head position between speakers to accurately represent the stereo field.