Medication: LET IT BE
Duration: 182s
Usage: x1 weekly for 7 years (aural use ONLY)
First Filing: 03.06.70
Audiologist: Martin Hughes, PHD
Terra, Cosmos, Enner (SOMA Laboratory)
Piano (Shumba Dube)
Chemical dependency
Psychotic rages
Flat feet
Serotonin re-uptake calibration
Diminished existential and climatological angst
Tension release (tibialis posterior tendon)
Lung fatigue
Ocular discharge
Welsh accent
CRITICAL: maintain near-darkness throughout the session (e.g. eye-closure, hooded robe).
Place sprigs of rosemary above points of ingress/egress to listening area.
Consume at 65-75 dB via flat frequency response stereo equipment (20 Hz to 20,000 Hz range preferred); maintain equidistant head position between speakers to accurately represent the stereo field.